Monday 16 September 2013

Unit 1:  Inventory Task
Inventory is what a character can use in a game.
1) [Prototype] Uses a Wheel style inventory that is extremely limited.
You have no weight limit because you do not carry things.
2) The user brings up this inventory wheel that pauses game play but still allowed you to see what is happening usually making the user choose what he wants quickly with little icons to show what the item is. The user moves the analog to pick the item.
3) in the menu wheel you choose things like if you're disguise or not, what weapon you have out and how you see things.
4) The player is still submerged in the game whilst in the menu by it popping up mid screen and stopping the action but you can still view whats happening in the area.
5) the inventory suits the game play by having the wheel in the style of the pause screen and relating to the rest of the game.
6) i think the inventory is good in this style of game because it is meant to be a quick moving game and if it had a different style of inventory menu it wouldn't work as well.
7) this could influence my design because if i wanted a game where you have to move a lot i could put in a menu like this so the user feels like they can choose what they need/want and keep going quickly.

Fallout 3

1) Fall out uses a weight basses inventory making you choose what you carry.
2)This game uses a watch as a menu still making you search through all of your other items to find the one you want.
3) the user has to scroll across the different pages of their inventory, maps and radio stations to find what they need.
4)They access the inventory by clicking a button on the controller that brings up this watch or 'pit-boy' so you can search your inventory.
5)I think this suits the game because it sticks with the theme of a post-apoliticalict world where the science is really advanced compared to ours.
6) I think that this inventory system suits the game because it lets you carry a lot of items at once and it is the easiest way the navigate threw them.
7)This will influence my design because it stays constant to the game and that is very useful and it helps keep the user submerged in the game.

1) Minecraft uses a limited inventory system only letting you carry a set amount of items (up to 64 on most of the items)
2)This game has icons for the items you carry and you have to move the hand across the boxes to reach the one you require.
3) You can only access the things you carry in this inventory system not allowing you to change anything else apart from the items in your quick select.
4) you just click a button and the inventory comes up and essentially removing you from the game because you cant see anything but the world around you is still active forcing you to make a quick choice.
5)the inventory page doesn't fit in with the game that much because it is just a gray box that comes out of no where with no connection to anything in the world.
6) i think that it is a good way the navigate the inventory by showing icons but they way that they make you go form square to square isn't to effiance.
7) The icons in this game would influence me to use icons in my own design but i wouldn't force the users to have to navigate around boxes.

Monday 9 September 2013

Hello, I am Keelan Fitzsimons.

I am studying computer game design because I have a strong passion for gaming and I would like to go into the proffesion of designing computer games in the future. I would also like to further develop my skills in 2D design, 3D design and coding along with finding out the basics of how games work and being able to create a simple game.

Recently I have been playing 'Saints row 4', this game is interactive and enjoyable with plenty of side quests and activities to earn rewards such as super powers and other things. The game is about the leader of the saints becoming the president of the untied states and alains taking over the world and having to escape from the simulation to take back the world. I like the future style of the game and how you can gun down anything you want.